Scientific Internet Sources for the Exegetical Corpus of Chrysostom

Chrysostom and Digital Humanities

AI tool about early Christian authors and Chrysostom without exact references

Exegetical Works, Critical Editions and Translations

List of exegetical works and editions

Bibliothek der Kirchenväter: English, French and German translations

Fouth Century General

Sources Chrétiennes


Bibliography on Chrysostom by Wendy Mayer (last update 2023)


Librivox Books on John Chrysostom


Cambridge Manuscripts on Chrysostom

Chrysostom through Manuscripts, Editions and History

Greek Manuscript of Saint John Chrysostom’s homilies on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians and Commentary on the Letter to Galatians

Fourth Century

Fourth Century

A site promoting and storing research tools and texts for the study of the Church and its environment in the Fourth Century. The site is sponsored by the History Department of Wisconsin Lutheran College and by Asia Lutheran Seminary, under the direction of Dr. Glen L. Thompson.

Pseudo Chrysostomus

An Online Database on the Texts Wrongly Attributed to John Chrysostom

News and Conferences

News and seminars by the Sources Chrétiennes group

Malin David created this list under the supervision of Athanasios Despotis.

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