New Books


Magree, Michael C. The Interpretation of Kenosis form Origen to Cyril of Alexadria. Oxford University Press, March 2024.

Miller, Micah. Origen of Alexandria and the Theology of the Holy Spirit. Oxford University Press, February 2024.


Abecina, Alexander L. Christ, the Spirit, and Human Transformation in Gregory of Nyssa’s In Canticum Canticorum. Oxford Studies in Historical Theology. Oxford University Press, November 2023.

Bastitta Harriet, Francisco. An Ontological Freedom: The Origins of the Notion in Gregory of Nyssa and its Influence unto the Italian Renaissance. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill-Schöningh, 2022.

Behr, John. Gregory of Nyssa: On the Human Image of God. Oxford Early Christian Texts. Oxford University Press, March 2023.

Elowsky, Joel C., Maxwell David R. Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews: Cyril of Alexandria. IVP, 2022.

Fialová, Radka, Hoblík, Jiří and Kitzler, Petr. Hellenism, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity: Transmission and Transformation of Ideas. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2023.

Katsos, Isidoros C. The Metaphysics of Light in the Hexaemeral Literature: From Philo of Alexandria to Gregory of Nyssa. Oxford University Press, 2023.

Kennerley, Sam. The Reception of John Chrysostom in Early Modern Europe: Translating and Reading a Greek Church Father from 1417 to 1624. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2023.

Lee, Justin J. Origen and the Holy Spirit. Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte  – Band 124. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023.

Menze, Volker. Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria: The Last Pharaoh and Ecclesiastical Politics in the Later Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, 2023.

Walker, Becky. Almsgiving as the Essential Virtue: A Study of the Homilies of John Chrysostom. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill, 2023


Despotis, Athanasios, and James B. Wallace, eds. Greek and Byzantine Philosophical Exegesis. Eastern Church Identities 5. Paderborn: Brill, Schöningh 2022.

Gummelt, Eva-Maria (2022): Griechisch-orthodoxe Bibelauslegung und die „Frauentexte“ der neutestamentlichen Briefliteratur. Ein exegetisch-rezeptionsgeschichtlicher Beitrag zur kontextuellen Theologie. Göttingen: Cuvillier.

Heine, Ronald E., and Karen J. Torjesen, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Origen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.

Helton, Stanley N. The Text of Acts of the Apostles in the Writings of Origen. Studia Patristica. Supplement 9. Leuven: Peeters, 2022.

Kiel, Nikolai. Das Erbe Des Origenes Bei Gregor von Nyssa: Protologie Und Eschatologie Im Kontext Des Origenismus. Aschendorff Verlag, 2022.

Mitchell, Margaret (2022): John Chrysostom on Paul. Praises and Problem Passages. Atlanta, GA: SBL (WGRW).

Pentiuc, Eugen J., ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.

Prigent, Pierre, et al. Que Faire de l’Ancien Testament?: Marcion et Origène Répondent. Olivétan, 2022.

Pomeroy, Samuel. Chrysostom as Exegete. VCSup 171. Brill, 2022.

Tzamalikos, P. Origen and Hellenism: The Interplay between Greek and Christian Ideas in Late Antiquity. New York: Peter Lang, 2022.


Bady, Guillaume, ed. La source sans fin: La Bible chez Jean Chrysostome. Cahiers de Biblia Patristica 23. Leuven: Brepols, 2021.

Bunta, Silviu N. The Lord God of Gods: Divinity and Deification in Early Judaism. PHSC 35. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2021.

Despotis, Athanasios. Bekehrungserfahrung und Bekehrungserinnerung bei Paulus und Johannes. Biblische Zeitschrift Supplements 2. Paderborn: Brill, Schöningh 2021.

Hall, Claire. Origen and Prophecy: Fate, Authority, Allegory, and the Structure of Scripture. Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

Karamanolis, George. The Philosophy of Early Christianity. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021.

Kim, Young R., ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Council of Nicaea. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

Klöckener, Monnica. Die Frau am Jakobsbrunnen in altkirchlicher Johannesexegese: Erkenntnis, Pädagogik und Spiritualität bei Origenes, Johannes Chrysostomus und Augustinus. Adamantiana 19. Münster: Aschendorff, 2021.

Pentiuc, Eugen J. Hearing the Scriptures: Liturgical Exegesis of the Old Testament in Byzantine Orthodox Hymnography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

Perrone, Lorenzo. „Meine Zunge ist mein Ruhm“: Studien zu den neuen Psalmenhomilien des Origenes. Adamantiana Band 20. Münster: Aschendorff, 2021.

Ross, William A., and W. E. Glenny. T&T Clark Handbook of Septuagint Research. Translated by William A. Ross and W. E. Glenny. London: Clark, 2021.

Salvesen, Alison G., and Timothy M. Law, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Septuagint. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

Siquans, Agnethe. “Written for Our Discipline and Use”: The Construction of Christian and Jewish Identities in Late Ancient Bible Interpretation. Antike Schriftauslegung 1. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021.


Casteigt, Julie, ed. Journal of the Bible and its Reception 7: Dynamic Unity in the Gospel of John. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020.

Edelby, Nagi. Le commentaire de l’Apocalypse de Būlus al-Būšī (évêque du Caire en 1240 AD). CRAC 8. Beyrouth, 2020.

Furlong, Dean. The Identity of John the Evangelist: Revision and Reinterpretation in Early Christian Sources. New York: Fortress, 2020.

Houghton, H.A.G., David C. Parker, and H. Strutwolf, eds. The New Testament in Antiquity and Byzantium: Traditional and Digital Approaches to its Texts and Editing. A Festschrift for Klaus Wachtel. 52 vols. ANTF. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020.

Jillions, John, Divine Guidance: Lessons for Today from the World of Early ChristianityOxford University Press, 2020. 

Nicklas, Tobias, and Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm, Seleznev, Mikhail. History and Theology in the Gospels: Seventh International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Moscow, September 26 to October 1, 2016. WUNT 447. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020.

Tamcke, Martin, Constantin Preda, Marian Vild, and Justin Mihoc, eds. Scripture’s Interpretation Is More Than Making Science. SOKG 62. Göttingen: LIT, 2020.

Torrance, Alexis. Human Perfection in Byzantine Theology: Attaining the Fullness of Christ. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.


al-Būshī, Būlus. Revelation 1-3 in Christian Arabic Commentary: John’s First Vision and the Letters to the Seven Churches. Fordham: Fordham Univ. Press, 2019.

Bandt, Cordula, Franz X. Risch, and Barbara Villani, eds. Die Prologtexte zu den Psalmen von Origenes und Eusebius. TUGAL 183. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2019.

Behr, John. John the Theologian and his Paschal Gospel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.

Blowers, Paul, and Peter Martens, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Biblical Interpretation. Oxford University Press, 2019.

Cyrill of Alexandria. Glaphyra on the Pentateuch: Exodus through Deuteronomy.
Translated by Nicholas P. Lunn. FC 138. Washington: Catholic University Press, 2019.

Gallagher, Edmon, and John Meade, eds. The Biblical Canon Lists from Early Christianity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.

Interpreting Scripture, A Volume of St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly on the Orthodox and Catholic Hermeneutics of Scripture, SVTQ 63.2 (2019).

Leemans, Johan, Geert Roskam, and Josien Segers, eds. John Chrysostom and Severian of Gabala. Homilists, Exegetes and Theologians. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. Leuven: Peeters, 2019.

Raith, Charles. The Book of Acts: Catholic, Orthodox, and Evangelical readings. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2019.

Rasmussen, Adam. Genesis and Cosmos: Basil and Origen on Genesis 1 and Cosmology.  BAC 14. Leiden Boston: Brill, 2019.

Wet, Chris L. d., and Wendy Mayer, eds. Revisioning John Chrysostom: New Approaches. New Perspectives. CAEC 1. Leiden: Brill, 2019.

Review of new book titles in; Wallace, J. B. (2019), New Testament Studies and the Orthodox Church. Religious Studies Review, 45: 11-18.

Zaganas, Dimitrios. La formation d’une exégèse alexandrine post-origénienne: les Commentaires sur les Douze Prophètes et sur Isaïe de Cyrille d’Alexandrie. Traditio exegetica Graeca 17. Leuven Paris Bristol, CT.

Zawadzki, Konrad. Der Kommentar Cyrills von Alexandrien zum 2. Korintherbrief: Einleitung, kritischer Text, Übersetzung, Einzelanalyse. Traditio exegetica Graeca 18. Leuven Paris Bristol, CT: Peeters, 2019.


Bäbler, Balbina; Nesselrath, Heinz-Günther (2018): Origenes der Christ und Origenes der Platoniker. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (SERA).

Bandt, Cordula; Risch, Franz Xaver; Villani, Barbara (2018): Die Prologtexte zu den Psalmen von Origenes und Eusebius. Berlin: de Gruyter (TUGACL).

Brugarolas Brufau, Miguel; Maspero, Giulio; Vigorelli, Ilaria (2018): Gregory of Nyssa In Canticum Canticorum. Analytical and Supporting Studies: Proceedings of the 13th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Rome, 17-20 September 2014). Leiden, Boston: Brill (SupVC).

Bucur, Bogdan G.  Scripture Re-Envisioned: Christophanic Exegesis and the Making of a Christian Bible. BAC 13. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2018.

Johnson, Duane. To the Galatians. Myrtle Beach NC: OCABS, 2018.

Johnson Leese, J. J. (2018): Christ, Creation, and the Cosmic Goal of Redemption. A Study of Pauline Creation Theology as Read by Irenaeus and Applied to Ecotheology. London: Bloomsbury (LNTS, 580).

Heine, Ronald E. (2018): The Commentary of Origen on the Gospel of St Matthew.  Oxford: Oxford University Press (Oxford Early Christian Texts).

Lorrain, Agnès (2018): Le commentaire de Théodoret de Cyr sur l’Épître aux Romains. Etudes philologiques et historiques. De Gruyter, Berlin.

Ondrey, Hauna T. (2018): The Minor Prophets as Christian Scripture in the Commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Otto, Jennifer (2018): Philo of Alexandria and the Construction of Jewishness in early Christian writings. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Schröter, Jens; Butticaz, Simon; Dettwiler, Andreas (Hg.) (2018): Receptions of Paul in Early Christianity. The Person of Paul and his Writings through the Eyes of his Early Interpreters. Unter Mitarbeit von Clarissa Paul. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter (BZNW, 234).

Verheyden, Joseph, Reimund Bieringer, Jens Schröter, and Ines Jäger, eds. Docetism in the Early Church: The Quest for an Elusive Phenomenon. WUNT 402. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018.


Bayres, Andrew J. Ecclesiology and Theosis in the Gospel of John. SNTSMS 166. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2017.

Bezzerides, Ann M., & Prodromou, Elizabeth H. eds. Eastern Orthodox Christianity and American Higher Education: Theological, Historical, and Contemporary Reflections. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press 2017.

Despotis, Athanasios, ed. Participation, Justification, and Conversion: Eastern Orthodox Interpretation of Paul and the Debate between Old and New Perspectives on Paul. WUNT II 442. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2017.

Humphrey, Edith. Further Up and Further In: Orthodox Conversations with C. S. Lewis on Scripture and Theology. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2017.

Pentiuc, Eugen. Hosea The Word of the Lord that Happened to Hosea. La Bible en ses Traditions 3. Leuven: Peeters 2017

Raith, Charles, ed. The Gospel of John: Theological-Ecumenical Readings. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2017.

Siquans, Agnethe. ed. Biblical Women in Patristic Reception / Biblische Frauen in patristischer Rezeption. JAJ.S 25. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2017.

Tarazi, Nadim. The Rise of Scripture. Worcester, MA: OCABS Press 2017.