1. Links for Research of the Eastern Orthodox Biblical Interpretation
NEW! Chrysostom and Digital Humanities
Biblindex is an index of biblical references found in early Christian literature, covering Western and Eastern texts from the first three centuries and beyond.
Bibliography on Christian Apocrypha
Bibliothek der Kirchenväter (BKV)
A selection of patristic works in German, French and English translation
Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
The Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (CSEL) is a series of critical editions of the Latin Church Fathers published by a committee of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller (GCS) PDF’s
Back in 2008, the PLGO group laboriously compiled a list of the volumes of out-of-copyright volumes of the GCS, with links to online copies.
Greek Archive of PhD Theses (relevant for PhD theses of Greek Orthodox scholars)
This archive collects, in digital form, doctoral dissertations awarded by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Greece, as well as Ph.D. theses that were awarded to Greek scholars by foreign HEIs and certified by the Hellenic N.A.R.I.C.
Gregory of Nyssa Online gives you access to both the Gregorii Nysseni Opera Online and the Lexicon Gregorianum Online. Together, these two resources provide the ultimate online critical text edition of Gregory of Nyssa’s works based on all available known manuscripts.
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series I
This page offers an overview on Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, a set of books containing translations of early Christian writings into English.
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II
This page offers an overview on Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, a set of books containing translations of early Christian writings into English.
OCABS Orthodox Center for the Advancement of Biblical Studies
OCABS is cocnerned with promoting and publishing research in the areas of biblical studies, homiletics and religious education in the Orthodox Christian Faith.
Orthodox Theology Digital Library
The Orthodox Theology Digital Library contains further links to many relevant journals and projects.
The Psalm Bibliography Project catalogues and links available commentaries on the Psalms throughout the history of interpretation, particularly in the patristic and medieval periods.
Synthesis: Scientific E-Journal of the Faculty of Theology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Synthesis is the scientific ejournal of the Faculty of Theology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which is published twice a year.
Theologia (Archive of the official scientific journal of the Gr.Orthodox Church of Greece)
2. Links for Research of the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions
2.7 Latin and Greek Text Databases
2.9 Early Imperial Greco Roman Authors
2.12 Maps, Timelines, Geography
2.17 Social Structures in Antiquity
2.19 Tools for Further Research
2.1 Biblical Sources
As a public outreach of the Society of Biblical Literature, Bible Odyssey’s mission is to inform the general public about the content of the Bible and the critical approaches to it.
The purpose of this website is to set out all of the Christian writings that are believed to have been written in the first and second centuries, as well as a few selected from the early third. It also includes non-Christian documents, links to translations, information and scholarly opinion.
This database represents a comprehensive survey of Pauline references in pre-Nicene writings. It is searchable both by Pauline epistle and passage as well as by early Christian writers and their texts, by region, and by approximate date. The database also includes a number of visualisations created from the data.
Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
Contains links to biblical texts and other texts related to the Bible (especially to the NT) and also presents sources and studies dealing with the social world related to the New Testament.
Siegen Ancient Texts on the Environment of the New Testament
Is a collection of German and original-language texts relating to the New Testament.
Textual Tradition of the Epistles of Paul
This is the homepage for work towards new editions of the Epistles of Paul in Latin and Greek undertaken by the International Greek New Testament project and its collaborators. It will provide a gateway to electronic transcriptions and other resources created during the course of the edition. (For similar resources on the Gospel according to John, visit www.iohannes.com). XML transcriptions made by the projects are available below.
The Online Critical Pseudepigrapha
The mandate of the Online Critical Pseudepigrapha is to develop and publish electronic editions of the best critical texts of the „Old Testament“ Pseudepigrapha and related literature.
Tyndale STEP (Scripture Tools for Every Person)
Free access to trustworthy Scripture tools.
2.2 Bibliographies
The Index Religiosus begins from the basis of two existing bibliographies: the bibliography of the Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique and the Elenchus Bibliographicus from the journal Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. These two tools are internationally recognized as essential working instruments for Theology and Religious Studies.
Index Theologicus (IxTheo) is a comprehensive bibliography for theology and religious studies and currently catalogues over 1.6 million individual entries.
L’Année philologique – Bibliography of the Classical World
L’Année philologique, published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique, is a specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.
2.3 Classicists‘ Tools
Electronic Resources for Classicists
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Arachne)
Arachne is a free internet research tool for archaeology and classical antiquity studies, designed to help make objects and conditions accessible and quickly findable from hundreds of thousands of data records.
Propylaeum is an information and service portal closely geared to the needs of researchers. It provides search technology, e-publishing/open access, digitalization and scholarly communication.
2.4 Coptic Sources
Is a collection of materials related to the Coptic language, texts, manuscripts, dictionaries and other historical documents.
Coptic Scriptorium: Digital Research in Coptic Language and Literature
an online platform dedicated to digital research in Coptic language and literature. It serves as a comprehensive resource center for scholars and enthusiasts interested in the Coptic language, an ancient Egyptian language used in Christian texts.
2.5 Encyclopaedias
Database of Religious History (DRH)
The DRH is a massive, standardized, searchable encyclopedia of the current best scholarly opinion on historical religious traditions and the historical record more generally. It allows users to instantly gain an overview of the state of scholarly opinion and access powerful, built-in analytic and data visualization tools.
The standard reference work in 8 volumes contains over 15,000 articles written by around 3,900 international specialist authors on the history and present of Protestant Christianity as well as all other religions. In addition to the classical disciplines of theology, the subject matter of the encyclopaedia also includes canon law, music, philosophy, ethics, history, archaeology, education, literature, economics, social sciences and even the natural sciences.
2.6 Inscriptions
The database Thesaurus Defixionum records curse inscriptions of antiquity
Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby EDCS
The Clauss-Slaby epigraphy database is a database of Latin epigraphy containing more than 510,000 inscriptions in Latin.
EAGLE aims to build a multi-lingual online collection of millions of digitised items from European museums, libraries, archives, and multi-media collections, which deal with inscriptions from the Greek and Roman World. This website of the EDCS project is for research in the world’s largest database of Latin epigraphy.
This website offers searchable Greek inscriptions.
Pottery of the Hellenistic Period
This website offers links to resources about Hellenistic Pottery as well as a presentation of the annual conferences on Bibliography on Hellenistic Pottery.
2.7 Latin and Greek Text Databases
Ancient Greek and Latin Texts in Google
To make the world’s books searchable and discoverable, Google has digitised over five hundred ancient Greek and Latin books. Here, they are presented downloadable as zip files of images and plain text and as links to Google Books web pages where you can read them online in full or download PDFs.
Elpenor Bilingual Greek-English Sources
Elpenor presents a bilingual Anthology of Greek literature including Byzantine Fathers, Modern Greek poets, the New Testament, and the Septuagint from all periods.
LATO – Library of Ancient Texts Online
The Library of Ancient Texts Online is the internet“s most thorough catalogue of online copies of ancient Greek texts, both in Greek and in translation. This is a site for all with an interest in the Classics. Very many texts from Ancient Greece are available on the world-wide web, at a variety of sites, in a variety of formats, and in a variety of languages.
LLT is database for Latin texts, offering texts from the beginnings of Latin literature down to the present day. The texts which are incorporated are selected from the best editions available and established according to best contemporary scholarly practice.
A website that has selected ancient authors in the original Latin and Greek.
It is an edited collection of the writings of the Church Fathers and other ecclesiastical writers in Greek published by Jacques-Paul Migne.
It is an edited collection of the Latin writings of the Church Fathers and other ecclesiastical writers published by Jacques-Paul Migne.
Perseus maintains a web site that showcases collections and services developed as a part of our research efforts over the years. The code for the digital library system and many of the collections that we have developed are now available.
Greek and Latin texts from the Perseus Digital Library can be accessed here.
The TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae) delivers the biggest collection of Greek texts ever compiled, spanning from the works of Homer in the 8th century BC to the fall of the Byzantine Empire in AD 1453. The TLG employs a unique blend of traditional philological and literary analysis with cutting-edge information technology to study these texts.
ToposText is an indexed collection of ancient texts and mapped places relevant the the history and mythology of the ancient Greeks from the Neolithic period up through the 2nd century CE.
2.8 Lexica
Cunliffe’s Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect
Koumanoudes‘ Συναγωγή νέων λέξεων
Lexikon zur Byzantinischen Gräzität (LBG)
The most classic dictionary for the study of the Greek language
Louw-Nida Greek Lexicon is a modern Greek lexicon using the concept of „semantic domains.“ This lexicon differs from other lexicons in that it does not arrange words alphabetically and it does not give one listing of a word with all of that word’s meanings after it. Instead, it breaks words down by their various shades of meaning. It then groups all of those entries together and organizes them by topics and sub-topics.
Powell’s Lexicon to Herodotus.
2.9 Early Imperial Greco Roman Authors
This is a website dedicated to advancing the writings of Lucian of Samosata.
Plutarch und das Neue Testament
Offers resources and current projects on the research of Plutarch and the New Testament.
This is a collection of the Works of Plutarch.
2.10 Hellenistic Judaism
A literary-historical online commentary on the works of Flavius Josephus in English.
Philo Works in English and German Translations
This is a collection of the Works of Philo. Most works are available in Greek, German and English.
Yale Hellenistic Judaism Sources
This guide helps students locate primary sources, find relevant scholarship, hone skills in post-Classical Greek.
2.11 Manuscripts
The Biblissima Portal provides unified access to a set of digital data on medieval manuscripts, incunabula and early printed books produced by the partners of the Biblissima+ consortium. It allows to visualise and search for digitized documents, catalogues and specialized databases on various aspects of the study of the written heritage: history of collections and provenance, transmission of texts, iconography, bindings, fragments etc.
Centre for the Study of the New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM)
CSNTM Provides digital photographs of extant Greek New Testament Manuscripts.
One of the core undertakings of the project was to capture each page of Codex Sinaiticus as a high-quality digital image. Each image offers a substitute for the real manuscript leaf. Careful imaging of Codex Sinaiticus therefore provides a life-like view of the pages and allows, for the first time, worldwide access to the manuscript.
New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room
This site is devoted to the study of Greek New Testament manuscripts. The New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room is a place where scholars can come to find the most exhaustive list of New Testament manuscript resources, can contribute to marking attributes about these manuscripts, and can find state of the art tools for researching this rich dataset.
PINAKES Manuscript Search Engine IRHT/CNRS
Greek Manuscripts & Other Witnesses arranged by date.
The Amsterdam Database of New Testament Conjectural Emendation
The Amsterdam Database of New Testament Conjectural Emendation is the result of a research project at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, conducted from 2010 to 2016 and funded by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research). The Amsterdam Database collects all known conjectures on the Greek New Testament, as well as an important part of the reception history of these conjectures.
2.12 Maps, Timelines, Geography
The Center promotes cartography, historical geography, and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies through innovative and collaborative research, teaching, and community outreach activities
Build interactive web maps with ArcGIS Online, Esri’s web-based mapping software.
This is a database for accessing Late Antique and Medieval Christian literature. It provides information on authorship, authenticity, chronological and geographical contexts, manuscript transmission, and editorial history.
Gallica is the digital library of the National Library of France and offers free access to documents, books, maps, manuscripts and much more.
This website explores the formation of ancient philosophical schools through epigraphic sources. Supported by a network of French and international researchers, it seeks to address a bibliographical gap and complement the monumental Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques (R. Goulet, ed., 1989–2018).
Is a digital scholarship project that catalogues biblical tourism sites throughout the world. What unites the 500+ attractions collected here? While diverse, they all transform written words of scripture into experiential, choreographed environments. These sites raise fascinating questions about pilgrimage and tourism, lived religion, consumption, religious art and creativity, sensory experience, attachment to place, religion and politics, and our shared culture of entertainment.
The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World reconstructs the time cost and financial expense associated with a wide range of different types of travel in antiquity.
Palestine in the Time of Jesus
This site offers materials which are intended to accompany and enhance the discussion in Palestine in the Time of Jesus.
Trismegistos has traditionally focused on Egypt and the Nile Valley, but is now expanding to the Ancient World (800 BC – AD 800) in general. Its coverage differs substantially from region to region and language to language.
2.13 Numismatic
Offers information about ancient history and especially ancient coins.
2.14 Origen
2.15 Papyri
PapPal facilitates the study of ancient writing by collecting images of dated papyri. Its aim is to illustrate the development and diversity of ancient scripts, and to assist in dating undated texts.
Papyri.info has two primary components: The Papyrological Navigator (PN) supports searching, browsing, and aggregation of ancient papyrological documents and related materials; the Papyrological Editor (PE) enables multi-author, version controlled, peer reviewed scholarly curation of papyrological texts, translations, commentary, scholarly metadata, institutional catalog records, bibliography, and images.
The Word Lists (WL) are a technical aid for Greek papyrology. In the WL, the words, James, geographical terms etc., are collected, which are listed in the indexes to the editions of documentary papyri written in Greek (and Latin) published since 1995.
Early Bible is dedicated to displaying the oldest known copies of the New Testament. We hope you find these images interesting and helpful in understanding the rich history of the Bible’s origins.
2.16 Rhetoric and Linguistics
Mapping Metaphor with the Historical Thesaurus
This interactive resource presents the results of the first, and so far only, research project to undertake a systematic and comprehensive analysis of metaphor in any of the world’s languages. More than 14,000 metaphorical connections were identified, some of them attested from the earliest stages of the language during the period of Old English, and many others emerging in later centuries. These connections are instantiated by tens of thousands of individual words.
2.17 Social Structures in Antiquity
Associations in the Greco-Roman World
The accessible AGRW sourcebook (English-only) is a valuable resource for studying social and religious history and is ideal as a course text. The multi-volume Greco-Roman Associations (GRA) is an in-depth scholarly resource with original Greek or Latin texts and extensive commentaries.
2.18 Text Criticism
Brill Scholarly Editions Platform
This is a research environment that provides easy access to authoritative text editions, commentaries, and translations of ancient works, fragments, papyri, and inscriptions. It is a digital academic platform that is specifically designed to meet the needs of modern researchers. With Brill’s Scholarly Editions, researchers can easily access and explore various scholarly resources to enhance their research experience.
Professional Societies and Electronic Journals
This website provides access to resources on biblical studies, ancient history and literature, archaeology, and classics through links to online discussion groups.
The International Greek New Testament Project (IGNTP)
The International Greek New Testament Project has a mission to create critical editions of the books of the New Testament. Their website offers useful tools and resources for text criticism and the study of how the NT text was received by early Church fathers.
2.19 Tools for further Research
Brepolis is the home of all online projects of Brepols Publishers and its partners, aimed at the international community of humanities scholars.
Maia Atlantis: Ancient World Blogs
This aggregator brings together content from the blogs of the members of the Ancient World Bloggers Group and the eClassics Community, as well as other blogs touching on ancient studies.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text: The Humanities and Social Sciences Collection
The official digital dissertation archive of the Library of Congress and the central database for academic theses. PQDT Full Text contains millions of searchable dissertation and thesis records from around the world from 1861 to the present, along with over one million full-text dissertations available for download.
Mavcor – Center for the Study of Materials & Visual Cultures of Religion
Objects, images, and a proliferation of materialities engage bodies and minds, events and ideas, in ways both profound and subtle. Material objects, especially as they are activated in religious practices of some sort, are situated at the heart of MAVCOR. The Material Objects Archive offers an ever-expanding online gallery of such objects. We invite you to use it as a tool for thinking and teaching, researching and writing—and we welcome your suggestions and contributions to this collaborative enterprise.
Tools for the study of ancient history
This site contains links to essential tools for the study of ancient history.
2.20 Translations
Provides English translations of the great classics, plus Plutarch’s parallel biographies. Unfortunately, the text is not organized according to the usual chapter/paragraph divis
Loeb Classical Library Books Available Online
Offers a collection of links to free online available LCL books.
Modern Language Translations of Byzantine Sources
Browse for modern language translations of Byzantine primary sources using the pull-down menus in the right-hand column.
Répertoire des traductions françaises des Pères de l’Église
is an indispensable tool for identifying and finding the translations of the works of Church Fathers. The RTF is a unique source of information for the religious literature of Antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages.
ScriptureDirect Interlinear Greek Bible App is easy to use on Smart phones and Tablets. It features a new interlinear English translation linked to the New Testament Greek text and NOT a published book in the form of an app. This makes it a super intuitive help for anyone reading the New Testament – with or without a knowledge of Greek.
This is a database that contains information about literature related to Augustine.
Malin David and Evangelia Siopi, under the supervision of Athanasios Despotis created and update this list (last update December 15, 2023)