4:00 PM to 6:45 PM
Room: 101 (Plaza Level) – Hynes Convention Center (HCC)
Theme: The New Perspective on Paul and the Eastern Orthodox Interpretation of Paul
The debate between the “old” and the “new perspective” has been a focal point of Pauline studies in recent years. This debate has, in turn, given rise to new research projects focused on potential affinities and differences between the “new perspective” and Eastern Orthodox interpretation of Paul. Therefore, this session takes up the discussion between “Eastern-Orthodox,” “new,” and “old perspectives” on Paul and seeks to develop it further. This panel will feature invited papers by authors who will focus on texts playing a crucial role in the debate regarding participation, justification and conversion in Paul.
Edith Humphrey, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Presiding
Michael Gorman, St. Mary’s Seminary & University
Reconsidering Justification in 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 (25 min)
Athanasios Despotis, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
The Dialogue between the Eastern Orthodox Interpretation of Paul and the New Perspective on Paul regarding the Exegesis of Phil 3 (25 min)
Break (5 min)
Rikard Roitto, Stockholm School of Theology
The Embodied Experience of the Early Christian Symposium and Paul’s Language of Salvation and Justification (25 min)
James B. Wallace, Christian Brothers University
Led by the Spirit: Symeon the New Theologian, Ernst Käsemann, and the New Perspective on Romans 8:12-17 (25 min)
Discussion (30 min)
Business Meeting (30 min)
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: Provincetown (Fourth Level) – Boston Marriott Copley Place (MCP)
Theme: „The Jews“ in the Gospel of John
Especially since the Holocaust, scholars have struggled with the negative depiction of “the Jews” as an often undifferentiated group characterized in negative terms in the Gospel of John. At the same time, they sought to understand the nuances of John’s portrayal of the Jews and the various terms used to refer to Jews (e.g., “Israelite”). Orthodox tradition has often adopted the negative portrayal uncritically, such as in its Holy Friday liturgy. This session will offer papers that explore the effects of the Gospel of John on Orthodox tradition, but also papers that look in detail at how Orthodox interpreters negotiated the more subtle and nuanced aspects of John’s portrayal of Jews. Other papers may investigate how a proper appreciation of the Jewish contexts of the Gospel of John should inform Orthodox theological interpretation.
Alexis Torrance, University of Notre Dame, Presiding
Michael G. Azar, University of Scranton
Eastern Orthodox Identity, Jews, and John’s Gospel (25 min)
Matthew C. Briel, Assumption College
Patriarch Photios on John (25 min)
Break (5 min)
William M. Wright, Duquesne University
Nicodemus in Chrysostom’s Homilies on John (25 min)
Leslie Baynes, Missouri State University, Respondent (20 min)